
The owner and operator of this website is:

Stefan Steverding Rührwerkstechnik GmbH
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 41
48703 Stadtlohn

Authorised representative executive director:
Stefan Steverding
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 41
48703 Stadtlohn

Telephone: +49(0)2563-4611
Telefax: +49(0)2563-4643

Tax registration number DE252897884.

The company Stefan Steverding Rührwerkstechnik GmbH is registered in the commercial register at Amtsgericht Coesfeld under the number HRB 10566.

Regularity Authority:
Handwerkskammer Münster
Bismarckallee 1
48151 Münster


Mr Stefan Steverding, Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 41, 48703 Stadtlohn is responsible for the contents of this website according to § 55 paragraph 2 RStV.

Information according to § 5 TMG:

Information according to § 5 TMG:

Stefan Steverding Rührwerkstechnik GmbH
represented by the managing director Stefan Steverding

Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 41
D-48703 Stadtlohn

T +49 (0) 2563 - 4611
F +49 (0) 2563 - 4643

HRX 10566 , Amtsgericht Coesfeld

Tax registration number according to §27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE252897884

Responsible for the contents according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Stefan Steverding

Source reference for all images and graphics to be found on this website:

Stefan Steverding Rührwerkstechnik GmbH

Copyright © 2015, w+ Werbe- und Internetagentur GmbH, Dufkampstraße 40, D-48703 Stadtlohn. All rights reserved.

Please find our general terms and conditions here